Healthcare Facility Insurance

More than just bricks and mortar; what’s going on inside your healthcare facility requires special protection.

We partner with industry-leading insurers to manage the risks in modern healthcare, giving you a secure strategy designed to support risk management efforts.

Types of facilities we provide cover for

We specialize in customizing insurance solutions that address the specific needs of various healthcare entities, including:

  • Medical practices
  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Assisted living facilities

Entity coverage primarily addresses vicarious professional liability exposures, while hospital and facility policies provide comprehensive protection against both vicarious professional liability and general liability.

By accessing a diverse range of insurance markets, we ensure the chosen policy aligns perfectly with the specific operations of your healthcare facility.

How much does healthcare facility insurance cost?

Premiums vary based on several factors, including but not limited to: your facility’s type and size, geographical location, specific coverage needs, and overall risk profile.

We’re committed to putting your needs first and helping you manage costs proactively.

“Having specialists in your industry who understand what insurance you need is very helpful. They explain why you need specific insurance, not just what you need.”

Beth Cadle, Milford Regional Medical Center

Request a free, no-obligation quote today

Is it time to examine your current policy? Remember, what you don’t know can hurt you.

The simplest way to mitigate risk is through thorough preparation. At Physicians Insurance, we are best placed to help enhance your preparedness.

With our extensive experience and deep industry knowledge, we are confident in our ability to tailor a competitively priced insurance program that addresses your unique needs.

Simply complete the form below to request a free, no-obligation health facility insurance quote, and we will contact you to discuss your options.

    Professional LiabilityCommercial PoliciesHealth InsuranceLife InsuranceDisability InsuranceFinancial PlanningLong-term Care (LTC)Other Product(s)

    DISCLAIMER: Our online inquiry forms are to provide current and prospective clients an indication of premium only. Insurance coverage cannot be bound or changed via submission of this online form/inquiry provided on this site or otherwise, email, voice mail or facsimile. No binder, insurance policy change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage will go into effect unless and until confirmed directly by a licensed agent.


    What is healthcare facility insurance?

    Healthcare facility insurance is a customized insurance solution that provides comprehensive coverage for the risks associated with operating medical facilities. This type of coverage can include professional liability insurance, property damage, and business income protection.

    Who needs healthcare facility insurance?

    This insurance is essential for entities within the healthcare industry, including hospitals, clinics, and assisted living facilities, ensuring they are protected against potential financial losses from claims and operational risks.

    Is healthcare facility insurance tax deductible?

    Yes, healthcare facility insurance is generally tax deductible as a business expense, as it is considered necessary for maintaining safe and compliant operations within professional medical environments.

    What’s the difference between healthcare facility insurance and general liability insurance?

    While general liability insurance offers broad coverage for bodily injury and property damage, healthcare facility insurance provides more specialized coverages that include medical malpractice insurance, risk management, and workers’ compensation insurance, catering specifically to the needs of healthcare facilities.


    Asset 1@2x
    Physicians Insurance

    The professional liability marketplace is dynamic, but Physicians Insurance partners with industry leading insurers to harness the risks in modern healthcare, so you have a secure strategy designed to lessen your financial risk and to support your risk management efforts.

    Let us help you find the best coverage that suits you.

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    Asset 3@2x
    Allied Health

    Critical to the healthcare process, allied health professionals complement physicians’ overall quality of care.

    Whichever role you play in the multifaceted healthcare industry, Physicians Insurance will customize professional liability coverage for your physician assistants, nurse practitioners and other advanced practice professionals.

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    Asset 4@2x
    Miscellaneous Errors and Omissions

    Even in non-clinical roles, allegations can occur. And, when they do, you need E&O coverage to protect you and your assets.

    For non-clinical activities, such as consulting in the pharmaceutical world, expert witness work in the courts, or paper reviews of medical files (i.e. workers compensation claim file reviews), Physicians Insurance can assist you to obtain tailored miscellaneous E&O coverage for your protection.

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